About Us
The Tuv Lev Kupat Hazedaka Hamerkazit was established in 2005 to provide real assistance to those in need, single-parent families, the sick, at-risk children, and people in financial distress. Since its establishment by Rabbi Shaul Weiss, the organization has been working tirelessly!
The association consistently supports approximately 1,300 families from all sectors and communities and operates soup kitchens without which people would go without a hot meal every day, on weekends, and on holidays.
1,300 families are consistently supported by the association through a variety of charitable activities and assistance to the community!
Our vision is to reduce the number of people in need, to bring them to safety, and to increase assistance to families who cannot achieve food and financial security.
We invite you to be a part and partner in the blessed work of Tuv Lev – Kupat Hazedaka Hamerkazit.
The association has dozens of volunteers and field workers who dedicate their time and energy to helping others, to charitable activities, and to assisting vulnerable populations in the community.
Referrals to the association come from welfare departments, social activists, neighbors, families, friends, community centers, community leaders, school principals, and rabbis. The association’s management examines and reviews each request with modesty, respect, and discretion in order to provide a proper and timely response.
- The Kupat Hazedaka Hamerkazit (non-profit organization 580438190) – donations are tax-deductible – Section 46a of the law.
- The association’s office is located at 5 Lilienblum Street, Netanya, ZIP code 4241208
- Mailing address: P.O. Box 166, Netanya, ZIP code 4210101
- Office phone: 09-7749412 Fax: 072-2113048
- 24-hour hotline: 1-800-26-26-66 or 2613*
- WhatsApp – 972524064835
Activities of the Tuv Lev Association:
Operating soup kitchens, distributing food packages, vegetables, and fruits, helping infants, winter kits, financial support for those with special needs, distributing bread and milk, school kits and equipment, clothing and footwear, wedding assistance, gifts for the poor, matzah for Passover, second-hand department for furniture and appliances. Proper nutrition, health with joy, supporting orphans and widows, giving in anonomously.
Did someone close to you pass away and there is no one to say Kaddish for them?

לא מתעלמים!